Chameleon Ti:Sapphire
Widely tunable, high power, hands-free femtosecond lasers for multiphoton imaging, ultrafast spectroscopy, and non-linear materials studies.
With thousands of installations worldwide, Chameleon Ti:Sapphire lasers are recognized as genuine workhorses of the multiphoton imaging community. Industry leading power and tunability further expand the possibilities in other ultrafast non-linear studies.
Chameleon Ti:Sapphire Family
A wide selection of models is available depending on your application. The wavelength coverage of Ti:Sapphire can be further extended by our range of automated Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPOs).
Product Specifications
Product Name |
Key Features |
Output Power (W) |
Tuning Range (nm) |
Chameleon Ultra |
Highest power and widest tuning |
>2.5 at 800 nm |
690 to 1020 |
Chameleon Ultra I |
>2.9 at 800 nm |
690 to 1040 |
Chameleon Ultra II |
>3.5 at 800 nm |
680 to 1080 |
Chameleon Vision I |
Adjustable GDD precompensation |
>2.5 at 800 nm |
690 to 1040 |
Chameleon Vision II |
>3.0 at 800 nm |
680 to 1080 |
Chameleon Vision-S |
GDD precompensation and shortest (75 fs) pulse width |
>2.5 at 800 nm |
690 to 1050 |
Chameleon Compact OPO |
Long wavelength extension. |
>700 mW |
1000 to 1600 (OPO signal) 1750 to 4000 (idler option) |
Chameleon Compact OPO-Vis |
Extension to visible and IR wavelengths. |
>700 mW at 1100 nm >1000 mW at 400 nm |
340 to 1600 1750 to 4000 (idler option) |
Chameleon MPX |
Wavelength extension to 1340 nm with dispersion precompensation |
>750 mW |
1010 to 1340 |
Chameleon VUE Harmonics |
Harmonics generation options for Ti:Sapphire lasers |
Conversion efficiency: VUE SHG: >40% VUE THG: >10% |
Tuning range: VUE SHG: 340 to 540 VUE THG: 227 to 540 |
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Resource List
Solution Feature: Multiphoton Endoscopes
See how CNRS Research Director Professor Hervé Rigneault and colleagues at the Fresnel Institute are employing a Coherent Chameleon Discovery laser to explore novel optical techniques and new life science applications to help neurosurgeons make life-saving decisions.
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