Space-Based Telecom

Develop next-gen laser-based communications links that will connect with low earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations.

  • Innovative Solutions Partner with a recognized innovator in optical communications.
  • Faster Protocols Use superior lasers that can support advanced (coherent) communications protocols.
  • Vertical Integration Access the latest materials, components, and devices thanks to our unmatched integration.
Space-Based Telecom
Space-Based Telecom

An Optical Future

Space communications today mainly uses RF technology. But optical (i.e., laser) communications promises a bright future because of the huge increase in bandwidth. As a leading innovator, Coherent is already working on the first expected application: satellite-to-satellite links in LEO constellations. This involves not just the special transceivers and other sub-systems to enable advanced (coherent) protocols, but also draws on our experience in sensing and tracking to automate system alignments to meet line-of-sight requirements.

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