Discover our next-gen, one-box Ti:Sapphire amplifier that combines market-leading performance with HALT/HASS-certified industrial reliability to maximize lab productivity.
Astrella delivers better data and lower overall data costs. Providing high (up to >9 mJ) pulse energy, short (<35 fs or <100 fs) pulse widths, and excellent (M²<1.25) beam quality, Astrella enables 2D spectroscopy, THz studies, fs micromachining, and more.
Astrella – Key Parameters
Available at 1 or 5 kHz, each unit includes an integrated Vitara oscillator and Revolution Pump laser, all in a 1247 x 792 x 262 mm footprint. HASS certified before shipping.
Product Specifications
Model Name |
Nominal Center Wavelength (nm)* |
Pulse Width (fs) |
Pulse Energy at 1 kHz (mJ) |
Pulse Energy at 5 kHz (mJ) |
Astrella USP |
795 - 805 |
<35 |
>5 or >7 |
>1.6 |
Astrella F |
780 - 820 |
<100 |
Astrella HE USP |
795 - 805 |
<35 |
>9 |
>2 |
Astrella HE F |
780 - 820 |
<100 |
* Specifications apply at 800 nm. Factory set, must be specified when ordered and will be optimized prior to shipment.
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