Diode Laser Modules
Use these compact economic modules to get the beam shape, wavelength, and power you want for your instrument or research.
- Turnkey Performance Eliminate your alignment challenges with a complete high-performance solution.
- Low Power Consumption Minimize your electrical and thermal budgets without sacrificing performance.
- Reliable and Robust Benefit from our vertical integration and superior quality.

Superior Performing Diode Laser Modules
From plug-and-play, compact UV, visible, and near-IR lasers, to top hat profile lasers, to wavelength stabilized modules, Coherent diode laser modules offer the highest quality performance with proven reliability for diverse applications.

StingRay and BioRay
StingRay and BioRay diode laser modules are compact lasers with fiber-ready (FR) or elliptical beam output and user-adjustable focus, ideal for particle counting.
- Elliptical or Line Beam Shape - Easy to integrate in counting applications.
- Low Output Noise - Minimize your coefficient of variation (CV).
- Wide Choice - Wavelengths from 405 to 830 nm.

SureLock diode laser modules deliver superior spectral stability, enabling affordable, portable, instrument-quality performance for diverse applications.
- Superior Wavelength Stability - Based on VHG glass filters.
- Single Frequency or Narrowband Operation - Long coherence length featuring computer and onboard user controls.
- Wide Wavelength Choice - Raman wavelengths from 405 to 1064 nm.

Ultra-Low Noise (ULN) and Visible Laser Modules (VLM)
Ultra-Low Noise (ULN) and Visible Laser Modules (VLM) offer ultra-low noise or extreme miniaturization, with circular, elliptical, or fan line output.
- RMS Noise <0.06 % - ULN Lasers are instant-on and ultra-low noise.
- Very Fast Warm-Up - Maximize your productivity.
- High Visibility Output - Miniature VLMs at 635, 650, and 670 nm.

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